Where the experience meets passion

As a private chef

Giuseppe is genuinely committed to delivering the best individual dining experience you can have.
He caters all over Scotland and North England. His service has an exclusive touch.

Whether providing for an intimate wedding, funeral meals, or private homes and holidays cottages, his food is uncommon and gets everybody talking.

Giuseppe is mainly devoted to delivering meals for groups between two to 30 people.

When requests require more people to cater for the occasion, he brings with him chefs he has met in his past work experiences through hotels and restaurants in Scotland.

Giuseppe Manzoli and his team with the Scottish Prime Minister in 2023 #primeminister #scotland
Giuseppe Manzoli and his team for the Scottish Prime Minister in 2023

Giuseppe started to cook at a very young age, from the time he was nine and used to watch his grandma Maria. Maria’s duty throughout the days and over many years was to feed the family, preparing breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day.

On the weekends, she made fresh pasta—from tortellini to ravioli and tagliatelle. Giuseppe grew up watching her cook almost every kind of Mediterranean food with passion every day.

Giuseppe’s commitment is about buying for you the best, freshest ingredients available on the market. Then he elaborates on those fresh ingredients in the most natural way possible and delivers them according to your preferences and Customised Menu .

When he cooks the food with his own hands, he feels like he and his family will eat it themselves; therefore, everything is made to his highest standards. Freshness is guaranteed, and no artificials are used in the dishes.

When Giuseppe decided to offer personal chef services, he wanted to establish a direct rapport with his clients and his food. Giuseppe also conducts a private, personalized cooking class for anyone who wants to learn specific techniques of the culinary arts.
Give him a call today or request an email back to discuss your next event—and book Giuseppe with confidence.

All his reviews are available online, on Google Reviews, and here on his website.
A few words from Giuseppe:

Thank you very much for reading. Contact me to discuss your project and tailor your menus in the best way I can

Giuseppe Manzoli, Personal Chef


I believe that many diseases of this century are caused by the food we eat. I believe we can eat tasty food without the necessity of adding chemical flavors to our meal or buying already processed food…Because we have not enough time to cook…There is a way to avoid junk food.

I want to be remembered as the chef who made his preparations without using ready-made products. My mission is to give to you an exceptional experience eating without using food  from Industry.

My favorite dish??

There is not really something that I like to eat every day. I like to try different things….and eat as much of a variety of different kind of foods as possible.

Cooking is a kind of mantra that has to be done every day if I want to feel myself making progress.