Catering Service Private Chef at Toftcombs Mansion House Biggar & Scottish Borders
Toftcombs is another of the venues where I’ve delivered my Private Chef Service for a big family of over 25 members.
Outside Catering and Bespoke catering is one of my specialities.
I’m often travelling the Scottish borders, Moffat and Biggar and outside Edinburgh and Glasgow for people who want a Private chef in their self-catering house
Not the only private chef, I can also organise a group of chefs and butlers to help you with more larger groups as big weddings and events.
-You can see my video of what I’ve done for this family at Toftcombs here, —
and this is the review which I received on google
This family who I served for five days comes from America, and like many large families who come from around the world to visit Scotland, they need a Private Chef to help them get the food ready before going for activities or get it available at their return. Cooking fresh food takes time, and when you are outside visiting the country you don’t have much time to prepare, after all, you want to relax and enjoy the company of your friends. If they will be not well organising the food, the risk is to eat junk most of the time.
Myself in charge of their meals have given them the freedom to think on their holiday, and after that, I received their wishes on the food, I’ve done the shopping and cooking and the service, all the cleaning up and the setting of the table as well. Is a long task and it requires a lot of skill altogether, from butler to chef and sometimes barman as well, as I did here for this family, cocktails as well.
An this is the photo with part of the family , here are the sons.

Why I love Toftcoms Mansion House :
Is very ample with huge rooms where you can enjoy your self in any way. The cooking area is like to be in a Professional kitchen, the garden and the surrounding beautiful and very well kept.
Now that I’m writing this is October 2018 and Christmas is on his way if you have not seen my Ideas yet for your December dinners then you can find a few dishes
or even my video where I show you how I suggest eating the Turkey,
tasty and delicious.
Watch My video on the Turkey Here Please .

Private Chef at Toftcombs Mansion House yes is a job worth to do and happy to come back again .